The Forum
The Phi Sigma Iota International Website provides permanent and globally available access to the photos and news items about Phi Sigma Iota Members, their Chapters, and their Institutions. The Phi Sigma Iota Executive Board continues to encourage the submission of articles (both scholarly and anecdotal), poetry, art, and humor for publication in The Forum, online and in our printed magazine.
The article submission deadline will be June 1; the magazine will be published in over the summer and be posted to the website in the fall.
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FROM THE ROSTRUM. The Rostrum offers student members of Phi Sigma Iota the opportunity to publish their original writing about their experiences learning a new language or of becoming better acquainted with a culture other than their own.
IT’S ALL ABOUT US! We report new chapter charters and publish your chapter news and photographs.
Donate to Phi Sigma Iota
Make a tax-deductable contribution to Phi Sigma Iota with a credit card via PayPal. (No PayPal account required.)
Or print out this form and mail it with your check: