Member Resources

New members are recruited by invitation only from established chapters of Phi Sigma Iota National Honor Society and pay a one-time fee of $35 for Lifetime Society Membership. (Lifetime membership for all initiates – past, present, and future approved by chapter vote in December 2020.)

Submission Guidelines for Forum Newsletters

The Forum of Phi Sigma Iota is happy to print items of interest to language professionals, learners, and enthusiasts. Our articles range from rigorous scholarship to humorous personal anecdotes. We are interested in articles about linguistics, foreign language literature, comparative literature, contemporary and historical culture, as well as second language acquisition, language learning and foreign language pedagogy. We will also publish short stories, jokes, cartoons and puzzles that involve foreign languages in some manner.

Chapter news items can take many forms, from simply captioned photographs, to details about the chapter’s activities and induction ceremony events. The Forum‘s primary interest is the activities of the membership. We are eager to hear what’s been happening in everyone’s lives. Who’s won awards, what projects are being completed, where has everyone traveled, etc.?

The Forum of Phi Sigma Iota National Honor Society is happy to print items of interest to language professionals, learners, and enthusiasts. Our articles range from rigorous scholarship to humorous personal anecdotes. We are interested in articles about linguistics, foreign language literature, comparative literature, contemporary and historical culture, as well as second language acquisition, language learning, and foreign language pedagogy. We will also publish short stories, jokes, cartoons, and puzzles that involve foreign languages in some manner.

Chapter news items can take many forms, from simple captioned photographs to details about the chapter’s activities and induction ceremony events. The Forum‘s primary interest is the activities of the members. We are eager to hear what’s been happening in everyone’s lives. Who has won awards? What projects are being completed? Where has everyone traveled?

Articles and digital photos or artwork may be received by email. Send all correspondence concerning submissions to this email.

Photo Consent

Submission Procedures

Articles and digital photos or artwork may be received by email. Send all correspondence concerning submissions to

Articles and digital photos or artwork may be received by email. Send all correspondence concerning submissions to this email:


Make a tax-deductible contribution to Phi Sigma Iota National Honor Society with a credit card via PayPal. (No PayPal account required.)


Or print out this form and mail it with your check. 

Internships Through ACHS Partners

Washington Internship Institute awards $500 scholarships to ACHS honor society members.

The Fund for American Studies awards a $1,000 scholarship to one member from each ACHS member society. 

 The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars Dept. of State Student Internship Program is designed to provide substantive learning experiences in a foreign affairs environment.

United Planet is a new ACHS partner that offers international volunteer opportunities in 35 countries and will award one merit-based scholarship for a member of each ACHS member society per year. Click here for application details.


Make a tax-deductible contribution to Phi Sigma Iota National Honor Society with a credit card via PayPal. (No PayPal account required.)


Or print out this form and mail it with your check. 

Japan Bikes

Submission Guidelines

The Forum of Phi Sigma Iota is happy to print items of interest to language professionals, learners, and enthusiasts. Our articles range from rigorous scholarship to humorous personal anecdotes. We are interested in articles about linguistics, foreign language literature, comparative literature, contemporary and historical culture, as well as second language acquisition, language learning and foreign language pedagogy. We will also publish short stories, jokes, cartoons and puzzles that involve foreign languages in some manner.
Chapter news items can take many forms, from simply captioned photographs, to details about the chapter’s activities and induction ceremony events. The Forum‘s primary interest is the activities of the membership. We are eager to hear what’s been happening in everyone’s lives. Who’s won awards, what projects are being completed, where has everyone traveled, etc.?

Submission Procedures
Articles and digital photos or artwork may be received by email. Send all correspondence concerning submissions to

The Forum of Phi Sigma Iota National Honor Society is happy to print items of interest to language professionals, learners, and enthusiasts. Our articles range from rigorous scholarship to humorous personal anecdotes. We are interested in articles about linguistics, foreign language literature, comparative literature, contemporary and historical culture, as well as second language acquisition, language learning, and foreign language pedagogy. We will also publish short stories, jokes, cartoons, and puzzles that involve foreign languages in some manner.

Chapter news items can take many forms, from simple captioned photographs to details about the chapter’s activities and induction ceremony events. The Forum‘s primary interest is the activities of the members. We are eager to hear what’s been happening in everyone’s lives. Who has won awards? What projects are being completed? Where has everyone traveled?

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